Tamim Ibn Aman

Dhaka, Bangladesh

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I am a recent graduate of Computer Science and Engineering program at North South University. As a fresher, I want to secure my position as a programmer in professional environment where I can put to use my problem solving capability, technologies that I am familiar with and innovative skills that will benefit the organization and also help me in learning new skill set.


  • C, C++
  • Java
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • SQL, MySQL
  • OOP
  • Database Design


Personal Diary

Language: C

Password protected personal diary where user can type his daily posts, view, edit and delete.

Inventory Management

Language: C++

Inventory management of a mall where user can add products, deletes, show the receipt etc.

Grade Management

Language: Java

Entering marks and showing the CGPA using GUI, Object Oriented Programming

The Consultant

HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Javascript

A question answer site where anyone can sign up and posts query. The consultants will answer of the queries. People can view their profile, edit it,follow other users. There are two types of user: Consultant, member. Consultants can post articles.

Farmer’s Eye

HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Javascript, Google Map API, Python Socket Programming, Raspberry Pi

It’s an ongoing project where we will collect sensor data and send them to server via internet using raspberry pie and show the data in website. Anyone can view a particular zone’s soil data and the best crops can be produced by that soil using Machine learning. Primarily we are collecting PH, Moisture and Temperature.


North South University - Dhaka, Bangladesh

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

Tamim Ibn Aman — tamimibnaman@gmail.com — +880 1829260190